It was with a smile that I welcomed him, with joy that I ran along to these officials to get everythin in order now that he was in plain sight, within reach... just a few more minutes to pass by before we were together once more :D
However, our joining wasn't meant to be so easy I guess, lunch time had somehow loomed over our getting back together, the officials had to have their lunch followed by a queue for others who were there for materialistic things. Despite all this, when the goal is in sight, when victory seems not far away, the heat, the pain, the hunger all seem to dwindle away and there is a sense of calm, a smile that pulls u along and that is how it was for me. With all the formalities done, there I was finally together with my ride :) :D :D
This joy is something that can only be felt and not told. My Ride's come to town, returned to where it belongs, on the road with me :)

(Heehehehe... funny post aint it... but absolutely enjoyed writing it actually ;) )